There is a right pizza oven for every backyard!
Nonno Peppe & Pizzaiolo
If you are looking to keep things as easy as possible then we recommend going for one of our steel models: Nonno Peppe or Pizzaiolo, the only difference between them being the size. Both ovens are made by EdilPlanet in Sicily and can be carried around by 2 people. Things of note about these ovens:
They have the amazing bluish gray lava stone floor
They come with the chimney
They will take 30 min to get to 800-900F and after this will produce batches of pizza in 90 seconds
The Nonno Peppe is approx. 24”x24” inside (2 pizzas) and the Pizzaiolo is 32”x24” (4 pizzas)
You can take these with you when you move or put on a cart and move around the backyard when needed
These ovens are great if you would like to make pizzas as quickly as possible and do not care if the heat is gone soon after you are finished

3.0 Portuguese Brick Oven
If you are after a real brick oven then our 3.0 Portuguese Brick Oven is the most advanced Portuguese brick oven on the market. It’s made with better bricks, insulation, and other materials than any other Portuguese oven out there. The oven is about 1200lb and comes in 1 piece. It will take about 1.5 hours to heat up and after this will shell out pizzas in 2 mins. Things of note:
Our delivery is curbside only, you will need to move (and lift) the oven to its place. Moving can be done on a regular pallet jack as long as the oven will pass through your gate (you will need about 45” of clearance). To lift the oven you can use an engine hoist (can usually be rented for a day) or a Bobcat, skid steer etc.
The cooking surface is approx. 31” in diameter (3 pizzas).
Like any oven of this type the oven will have small cracks once you start using it, they can be patched or left as is but the oven needs to be carefully protected against the elements, we sell a removable PVC cover.
This oven will take over an hour to heat up but it will also stay hot for about 24 hours. It’s great if you are planning to do a lot of cooking during one day or even the next day, especially if you are mixing dishes: pizza, lasagna, bread, meat and fish. As the temperature gradually falls you can use the oven for all of the above.
Last but not least this oven is also available with a weatherproof fiberglass cover!

The Volta Kit
If you are looking for the ultimate backyard enhancement and cooking experience or if moving the Portuguese oven to your property may be an issue then consider building your very own pizza oven from our Volta kit! Here are the benefits:
Easy delivery - you can open the pallet after it gets delivered to your curb and move the pieces to the backyard one by one, the heaviest one may be 100lb.
Size - the Volta is available in 3 sizes up to 47” in interior diameter, much larger than the Portuguese oven.
Looks - you can customize the oven to fit the design of your space.
Heat retention - the oven will perform similar to the Portuguese oven but will get to higher temperatures (over 900F) and will also stay hotter longer. If properly insulated it will stay a few days at 400F or higher!
The Volta is made in Italy and is easy to assemble without mortar. Most of your work will go into building the base for it. Over 1000 Voltas have been installed in North America alone and many step by step projects can be viewed on our website. Our package includes insulation for both top and bottom.